‘Horror, Thriller, Slasher’ is a collection that recontextualises how femininity is portrayed in the horror genre. “The female experience has so often been portrayed as damaged—obsessive, delusional and whether we actively recognise it or not, sexy, mad women fill our consciousness and stalk our air waves. We see emphasis on the idea of the ‘crazy woman’ who either did it or deserved it. Through research and analysis of cult classic horror, thriller, and slasher films; tropes and patterns start to emerge that highlight those that survive, and the justification of a character’s death, in the written development of complex female characters, to the point where “readers have come to expect emotionally unstable women” as an explanation for their circumstance.
This contemporary body of work explores the intersection of the beauty and horror that define the female condition. Fabric manipulation and material choices illustrate how femininity exists in these cinematic genres, and the strict colour palette, exploring shades of red and white, simplifies the duality of these contexts into a garment based ready to wear collection. Horror, Thriller, Slasher exists as a conceptual statement for the validity of contemporary female existence.